Пробна версія Chella

$51.99 $58.99ви заощаджуєте $7.00

Наш пробний пакет — це ідеальний асортимент, щоб спробувати Chella. Він містить по одному смаку, щоб ви могли спробувати наші найпопулярніші продукти за зниженою ціною!

1. 4 Челла
2. 4 укуси Челла
Смаки: червоний виноград, яблучний пиріг, гранат і абрикос

Загальна вага: 864 грами

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Customer Reviews

Based on 16 reviews
Daien Ide

Chella Trial Bundle

Myung Jin Kim
Overall very good but there were some inconsistencies...

The chella on the strings were amazing. No complaints there, they tasted wonderful and have an amazing chew. The chella bites however had some inconsistencies, one of the package, the apricot, had very wet consistency and was super slimy to touch another, I believe was pomegranate which was very thin and hard like leather. So I think next time I will skip the bites a d go for the original chella on the string only. It is a good alternative snack for myself who is a diabetic and it is good to see such a clean snack for me to have.

Vitaly Ermolin
Churchkhela is perfect

I loved churchkhelas, they are perfect. Chella bites not my thing, a little too soft and sweet.